Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Time to Repost - Blank US Birth Certificate form from 1961 - Originally posted July of 2009

Blank Birth Certificate Form - AKA Obama fill it in!


In 1961, the Public Health Services, U. S Department of Health, Education and Welfare, National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics Division published the "Vital Statistics of the United States

Here is a copy of the Standard Certificate of Live Birth. The "Standard Certificate of Live Birth" contains the father's race in block #8 and the mother's race in block #13. Hawaii's "Certificate of Live Birth" contains the the father's race in block #13a and the mother's race in block #12a.

Now, here comes the good stuff. Page 231 contains the requirements for "Race and color."
"Births in the United States in 1961 are classified for vital statistics into white, Negro, American Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Aleut, Eskimo, Hawaiian and Part-Hawaiian (combined), and "other nonwhite."

Do you see a classification for "African?" I certainly don't.

Now, let's look at the document that Obama has provided for certifying his eligibility for the Office of the President of the United States and that is displayed on Annenberg FatCheck.org.
FATHER'S RACE is "African" -- an incorrect entry for that data field.

And of course, other birth certificates from that era are filled out properly.

Just a typo? I don't think so. The Obot who created the bogus Certification of Live Birth just couldn't type the word "Negro." Negro is just not politically correct, don'tcha know.
Oh, what tangled webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive.

This information was provided by Steve Cee, a genealogist, who has also authored this new analysis (graphics-heavy MS Word document) of the Obama Certification of Live Birth (COLB). Steve's contribution adds to Dr. Ron Polarik's extensive forensic examination.
Obama's COLB is demonstrably counterfeit. It's a fraud -- as is Obama.

Who Certified AKA Obama as "Natural Born"?
Somehow, you know its coming. That OMG moment is just around the corner. You can feel the inescapable reality creeping up on you. Something will leak. Someone will spill the beans. 

“For nothing is hid that shall not be made manifest, nor anything secret that shall not be known and come to light.” Luke 8:17 

Obama “I have nothing to hide but I’m hiding it.” 

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