Saturday, October 21, 2017

Conversation With ONO

Revelation C. Rooster: The states of consciousness I have could be called “visions” or maybe even “delusions.” The reason I call them delusional is not because they are false; in fact, my visions are indistinguishable from reality, as I experience it. I see my “delusions” as true and valid, but I am unable to validate their legitimacy by evidence collected from any other source except my own experience. It is impossible for me to differentiate my vision from my grasp of external reality. This has been an ongoing, nearly obsessive mystery for me all my life. What is the source of these perceptions?
Recently, I have been visited by a being who is presenting herself as the Omnicient Night Owl. Humans on planet Earth have also reported apparitions that were indistinguishable from reality. As Carlos Castaneda pointed out in his book, “The Teachings of Don Juan,” Carlos asks the Shamen Don Juan, “Was I flying, or was that a delusion?” Don Juan’s response indicated that it is impossible for him to answer that question. If then my experience of the Omnicient Night Owl visiting me is indistinguishable from the experience of a PhD anthropologist’s peyote-induced vision, so be it! So, is the visitation of an all-knowing, all seeing giant night owl a delusion, or is it actually happening?
So, the documentation of my experiences with the Omnicient Night Owl is as follows:
This Omnicient Night Owl is huge! A female night owl with a six-foot wing span! I am a large rooster, but this owl was quite imposing and eerily frightening. She also seemed to have an additional eye beeming intensely from the middle of her forehead.
The rushing sound of her huge, flapping wings startled me as she landed, nearly causing me to lose my balance. Her first words were “Be not afraid.” She also told me, soothingly, that she has come to comfort me and answer my troubling questions, and that’s why her title is “Omnicient.” With that reassurance, I was overwhelmed by a calming feeling of comfort and eager anticipation. The magnitude of her very presence was impressive, and I was quickly put at ease, once I encountered her compassionate countenance; her obvious desire to guide and nourish my spirit. So tentatively I postulated my first question. “Where do these brilliant ideas that I have come from?” I quiried. That’s the question.
Her terse response was “First of all, your belief that these ideas come from you is like a faucet taking credit for the water that flows out of it.”
And, of course, I had no idea what she was saying, so I asked her for further explanation. While this is very uncomfortable for me, I am attempting to convey an accurate recollection of her response to my question.
She first asked if I understood the meaning of the Greek word “hubris.” I knew that one of the legends of the ancient gods was that they punished people for expressing hubris, but I really didn’t understand what that meant, so I did an internet inquiry.
Here is what I discovered: Hubris (/ˈhjuːbrɪs/, from ancient Greek ὕβρις) describes a personality quality of extreme or foolish pride or dangerous overconfidence. In its ancient Greek context, it typically describes behavior that defies the norms, or challenges the gods, and which, in turn, brings about the downfall of the perpetrator of hubris.

Most of my life I’ve been accused of being arrogant. However, I see that criticism is inappropriate. If I was arrogant, it would mean I’m claiming abilities that I do not have. I actually have extreme abilities, so my arrogance is indeed appropriate. Generally speaking, I lose respect for those who criticize me. It had never occurred to me that being percieved as arrogant might actually be dangrerous and disapproved of by the gods, whatever that might mean.

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